Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hood's Trails

The Trials beds are going strong.  Like everywhere else here in central Indiana, there has been a lack of rain and lots of heat.  For the most part, all of our plantings are looking good.  We have yet to set up a date for the Hood's Trial Day, but if you are nearby and want to come look, please do. 

Some items that we have featured out side include:
Begonia Whopper Green Leaf Rose - a new begonia that is similar in style to the BIG Series begonia.  Creates a large show with big blooms, and the plants are spreading out and up.  Very nice.

Vinca Cora Violet F1 - a vinca that has a darker purple color.  The Cora vinca seems to get a little more wild than the Titan vinca, it is spreading and growing quite large too.  There seems to be a lot of color on the plants, and is producing a great show.
Hibiscus Mahogany Splendor - a shrub-like annual, this dark purple to burgundy foliage stands out as a background to a planting bed.  Beware, they can get quite large, might be a way to use less early in the season and let fill in.  Will form a solid mass behind other colorful annuals.

Geranium Caliente Pink - A cross between an Ivy and Zonal Geranium, the Caliente loves to perform in the heat.  That is truly evident.  Lots of colorful blooms that seem to come continuously.  Can be paired with lots of items in a landscape planting to put on a show.

More information on the Trial Gardens will be being published soon.  Do not forget to check the link on the right for current pictures.

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